Showing posts with label Musing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musing. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Sold for 1 Crore.

Got your attention, didn't I? Well, this blog is about a topic I've always wanted to write about. This blog is about a ridiculously pathetic practice called 'DOWRY'.

(I'm referring to the age old practice that's being followed in my parents hometown - down south.)

Here's the dictionary meaning of the word:

dowry (noun)
an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.


My version: "Spineless beggars who have/don't have money, but love to beg in the name of TRADITION."


I've always been against it (Why won't I be?). How does it feel like to give away your hard earned money to some random/known family just so that they take good care of your daughter (question, why would you give away your daughter if this is the case?). It doesn't stop at this, it continues. Oh and yes, there are negotiations - 50 lakhs or 1 crore - no wait lets make it 75 lakhs (remaining in Gold, PLEASE).

I know people who consider this as a thing to be PROUD of. NO darling? This ain't anything to be proud of. If you don't have a SPINE to say NO TO DOWRY, why don't you install one? (If only spines could be downloaded!). It ain't anything to be proud of - let the girl be from a poor or a well to do family. The groom has NO effing rights over her money. NO you don't. You don't deserve a penny (just for being a prefect match)! The money is theirs, not yours, I repeat NOT YOURS.

C'mon dude it's 2017 - WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE/TEA (whatever you prefer). In this age, this ridiculous practice still continues in the name of TRADITION. I've been told this is a normal thing to do, and I was frowned upon when they realized I won't be following this stupid tradition. Is it not enough that the family has to take the entire wedding expense on their head and ALSO dance to your tune.

Glad my parents & in-laws, don't wish/want/desire to follow this tradition.

Anyways, we are surrounded by narrow-minded-and-thick-headed people. Opinions come from all sides (even when not asked). Let them talk (people just love to talk, so let them rant). SAY NO TO DOWRY and also split the expenses. It has to start at some point, somewhere, someday.

We did. What about you?

(This is a deliberate attempt to make my extended family realize, GET A SPINE.)

written by,

(Supported by
broad-minded-parents & in-laws)

This practice was banned (under the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961):
Read this article to know about the act which prohibits anyone from asking/giving dowry:

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Little did she know..

She thought she would never succeed after a bad attempt. She never wanted another go at it. She was scared and hence expected things to unfold according to her fate.

Little did she know that the best is always saved for last.

Little did she know that she would find someone at the least expected time and in the least expected way. Meeting that special one when your pitch drunk adds that oomph factor! Life is soo freakin weird, she thought so. Well it is, right?

Little did she know that she was walking into someones life, not knowing that her existence would actually mean a lot to that person someday. Started small and eventually she couldn't get him out of her head. All she ever wanted then, was him. The question was, will he?

Little did she know that her small gestures would make a huge difference to that person. She was stuck in his head. She was all he thought of, but she was unaware. She was still lost. He was lost too. Was that fate?

Little did she know.. his side of the story.

Little did she know that she meant the world to that person but he was too shy to reciprocate. According to her, it was one way. Heart broken. NOT AGAIN! She thought.

Little did she know that his gestures were real, he loved her back. She wasn't sure yet and all that she ever wanted was assurance. And one fine day, he did. She was all he ever wanted. She made him fall in love again, just like how he did. She knew he was the last.

Flawed souls make a perfect match - so did they. Bad pasts were just bad pasts now.

A fairy-tale end to her story and prince charming - can it get any better? Yes it can.
And they lived and loved each other ever after!


Thursday, 2 October 2014

And that has made all the difference.

The road not taken by Robert Frost, the best poem I've ever come across. Trying to understand the underlying meaning of the poem at the age of 12 was impossible. And yet, that was one poem which I never forgot.
Now when I think, it really sounds familiar to me. I've been through something similar. But no matter how I look at it, I am also at fault. I am the actual cause of what I experienced (my directors words). I had a choice of letting go but I chose to fight for it. Then, that seemed okay. I tried my best. I did not give up and Ignored what people around me had to say. I did what I felt was the right thing to do at that point. I chose the path, on my own accord. I had no clue what I had to do with my life. All I did was to create a vacuum around myself and stay put. This is what I want, I would do anything to get it. I was happy even then.
The path I chose turned out to be a rocky one. I wasn't stable, mentally and physically. I blamed others for leading me on. I cursed all the people who were responsible .
This continued till I realised, I had made a mistake and I was the one who chose this path. Reality struck. No point blaming others. I was putting my future into jeopardy. Now I knew I had to bounce back. I let go and continued walking along. Still a rocky road, nothing clear ahead. I moved on. Tripping on my every move. Like I mentioned, I moved on.
For everything that I went through, I blamed myself. I did have a choice in the beginning but I chose to go with the difficult one. I had followed my instincts. So if there was someone to be blamed, that would be me.
Everything around me changed slowly. Walking on that rocky road seemed more like a walk in the park. For once, I wanted to do something for myself because I deserve to be happy. Looked at everything positively and that changed things. This probably would have never happened, had I not taken the road less travelled.
So yes, I am blessed. I have everything that I ever wanted. I am the cause of what I experience now. I made it happen. Happiness and success, both at the same time. Not afraid of falling either , because I know how to bounce back. :-)
I chose the road less travelled,
And that has made all the difference.
Blog by,

Thursday, 25 September 2014


So today the trains were super late and super duper crowded. Left two trains myself. I just did not want to get pasted. The indicator at nerul station read 9:53 CST ( apparently it was 9:03 already on my watch). So I got into the third train which had started from belapur so it was empty. I got place to stand peacefully.

Since the trains were late there was a slight confusion whether the train was for vadala or CST. I can read quite well so yes the train was for CST. Yet these females were pretty adamant that it was a vadala train. They were least bothered. They eventually had to get off at vadala. Just because these women were adamant about their so called instincts, the other females got off buying what these women had said. The conversation did not end, it went on and on and on.

Time passed, the train had crossed Vadala. So the bickering females got off. Thus ending their 30 minutes odd conversation.

If only the other females had to stick to their instincts, they would have probably reached masjid by now.

Small one. But lessons learnt. Never buy someone else's instincts. Just follow yours. Saves time. ;-)
Travel tales. #fun

Saturday, 20 September 2014

It's bugging!

Hilarious yet frustrating moments in a Mumbai local.

Was glad I got into an empty train, for a change. Found a place to rest my Ass. Wasn't bothered to look around. (When your exhausted you really don't care about what's going around). Just then, I had this sudden urge to scratch my butt. Since it was an empty train, I really didn't care.

I just happened to look down and what did I find? BUGS. So that's when I took a leap of faith (from my current seat to the one in front of me). Nobody sat on that seat after that.

Looked like these bugs were breeding in captivity. Sigh. We crib, but nothing really changes. So pointless.

What happens next? Kurla it is. So you have a multitude getting into the train. Apparently, they were glad that there's an empty seat. I wanted to warn them but just thought of fooling around (I was looking forward to some entertainment).

Had a gala time watching those women jump around and make faces (Ewwws. Yucks. Continued). I wanted to laugh but tried not to (I wasn't looking forward to a cat fight).

So from Wadala to Nerul, I had fun. One of the many days when your Mumbai local journey seems less.

Looking to forward to many more (obviously excluding the part where these bugs bite my ass). All in all, time well spent. :-)

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

“An nyong”

“An nyong”.. It’s Korean.

Me being a big Korean buff, I had to write this blog. My sister made me watch a Korean series. It started that day and continues till date.  Last one - The rooftop prince.

My first “Boys over flowers” or “Boys before flowers”, remains moi favourite till date. Love the story-line and I have seen it thrice. I guess more than that. Lost track. A total of 25 episodes and a beautiful story with its twists and turns. It was worth having those sleepless nights.

It was my first and hence the accent seemed very funny to me, but eventually I got used to it. The story seemed very fascinating. The story revolves around five main characters. 

Well Goo Jun Pyo, he's the "the guy" here, happens to be this super rich spoilt guy. He and his three other best buddies form a group called the F4 or flower 4. At first, they seem dominating and arrogant but later you will love all of them. Spoilers ahead.

The "the guy" falls in love with this sweet-weird-not-so-good-looking girl, Guem Jan Di. First few episodes focuses on how he falls for her (and she hates him) and she falls for his best friend ("the other guy") who loves someone else, PHEW. As I had expected, she eventually falls for the ‘the guy’. There the actual part begins.

I love the characters and the way the drama unfolds. At some point, I could very well relate it with my own life.

The entire drama has its own twists and turns. No spoilers ahead. Watch it. You will love it. And I bet you would never want this series to end. :-)

P.s Season 2- ?? Please. :-)

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

A ride back home.

Two years down. Travelling every day in a jam-packed local is a task. The regular tantrums, the *#*&^** feeling when you get squashed, the usual inquiry for a place to sit, blah blah. I have done it all. ;-)

Always been trying to figure out the difference in travelling by first class and a regular one. Not much. Except for the comfortable seats in first class. The rest remains the same.

Well as usual today was yet another ride back home. Going back home and that too at this peak hour (evening) is a task. Here I am standing, waiting for the train to come. And yes, I am not the only one. I have some 50-60 odd ladies standing here, just to give me company. So sweet.

Here in Mumbai, if 50 people get off at the platform, 50+20 get in. Phew, halath ho jathi hain yaar. And here comes the maal gaadi, I meant the train. It’s anyways packed. Heights of optimism, all these ladies here think they can get in, no matter how crowded it is. Oh wait a sec, even I need to get in.

Got in. Ahaa. All set now. Won’t get a place to sit though. It’s all booked. Yes, we book seats. Now it’s bird watching time. 65% have their earphones plugged in. My friend had once mentioned that the earphones industry has become a hit because of these people. What else are we supposed to do when we are surrounded by strangers. True that. Where was I? ohh yes, bird watching. Another 10% are busy hoggingI hear some weird noise..opps that’s my stomach. Chuck.

I can’t shoulder surf but yes I know it very well that more than half are busy on any of the social networking sites in their phones or tab. Mr.Technology I must say, you have nailed it dude. And then the ride gets all the more interesting when two random women start quarreling and that too for the most pathetic reason one can come across. And I say, Grow up ladies. (Not literally though). When the fight gets vulgar, my ear phones come in handy. Time for some music, till I reach home.

All these events, the people and the fights keep changing. But the 25 minutes ride back home remains the same. Funny, I must say. Can’t help it though. Being a Mumbaikar, I have to face it. Bring it on.

Why & why not?

A random blog because I’m job-less. ;-)

“Walk like an elephant. Don’t care about the dogs that keep barking at you, on your way.”

True this. If you take charge and remain honest to yourself, there’s nothing that can bring you down. Believe in yourself, forget the unwanted ones and the rest will fall into place.

“Happiness at the cost of hurting someone else never lasts.”

 Never does. Nothing lasts forever. Good days or bad days, both have an expiry date. So when you can, try not making someone’s life a hell on earth. In the end, even you will fall.
Jaisa karoge vaisa bharoge (As you sow, so you reap!)

“Once a cheater, always a repeater.”

The line says it all.

“Be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”

Being the real you. Means a lot to a person who happens to be ‘you’. Then why let yourself down?
There’s no better version of you than ‘you’ yourself.

“What has to happen, will happen. And you will have to face it when it did.”

What lies ahead is known. Well, then the best we can do is to ‘prepare’ ourselves for the best and the worst. Remember, good days and bad days- both go hand in hand.

“Why me? Or try me!”

The way you look at any particular situation depends on you. These situations are nothing but challenges. Give your best and overcome them. Trying is anytime better than giving up. It’s your call.

“When you’re having the best time of your life, never forget or ignore people who were by your side in your worst times. You will desperately need them when you fall.”

#Self-explanatory. These people are the ones who know the real you and hence will stay by your side. Never lose them. Act before it’s too late.

“Forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes, but never regret.”

 The best till date. Have been there and done it. To be precise, NO REGRETS. ;-)

Monday, 2 December 2013

With Love, Punchbag.

Dedicated to my crazy + stupid + insane friend - My Bestie.

This blog is all about the bond that we share and which keeps growing stronger, and continues till date.

I don’t care what the world thinks about him. For me he’s the bestest and that makes him irreplaceable.

Why is he so special? Well well, he hits me when I’m wrong. If he gets to know that I have done something that I shouldn't have done in the first place, there’s nothing that can stop him. This is when he considers me to be some kind of a *HIT/PUNCH/SLAP/WHACK ME* doll. Me being a fragile person, it actually hurts (#PUPPYFACE). Point to be noted - He WON’T apologize. Which means, I freakin deserved it.

He knows me better than anyone else. He can read my expressions and clearly figure out when I’m lying. He knows when I need him the most and makes sure that he’s there by my side. Waiting for me at odd hours when he knows I’m fed up with life and desperately need someone who can hear me out. I don’t know why he never got fed up because I never really had good days for quite some time. He LISTENS (Not just Hear) to all my idiotic and “you-deserve-to-be-slapped-for-that” thoughts with a smile. And if that turns into a grin, it’s a clear indication that I’m *ALL SET TO KISS THE FLOOR*.

I never had a friend who was this close to me.Never had someone who could tolerate me to this extent (coz I have been irritating at times). Few people deserve to be kept close and a selected few even closer. I would always want him to be the closest one and that too forever.

My bestie SUMIT NAIR, may god bless you abundantly. And I know I’m being selfish but PLEASE be there for me. Can’t do without pestering you. I just LOVE IT and you know that.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

A little bit of everything!

Well, about me - I'm not totally great, I'm not completely stupid, I'm not an angel - but I'm a little bit of everything and that makes me! 

Always thought life was perfect. It is but not in way that you get whatever you want! If things go wrong, it won't last. If things go right, it won't last either. Life teaches you lessons throughout. You either digest it or just crib - it's your call. Never regret because if it's good- it's gonna be wonderful and if it's bad- it's gonna be an experience. 

I have seen myself transforming from a very shy little girl to being a not-so-quiet little(even now) girl. A girl who never really opened up in school - to someone who had to be whacked so that she would shut. How did that happen? The answer to this question is my next blog. #WINK 

Talking about my life, There were people who kept telling me to forgive and forget?? Well my way is a bit different.. I forgive but I NEVER forget, I Learn from my mistakes but I NEVER regret. Forgive people who deserve to be forgiven and not every dumb-ass who doesn't really care. The biggest mistake of my life was not following my instincts. I was dumb enough because I followed someone else's. It worked for me in a way. I can face the most toughest situations in life because I know I'm strong (Never knew that!). It's rightly said, experience is the best teacher. I have been dumped, ditched, treated like shit but does it really matter? It does. Now I know what I am really worth. 

The best-est bunch of friends, equally best "so-called-haters", ever loving "mother India' (mom), not so serious "daddy cool", always up to some mischief "cranky baby sister" and all those who come under my relatively huge family tree -all of the above mixed with uncertainties - That's my life's recipe. It's like a roller coaster ride - one point you feel like you are on the top of the world and the next moment you are *err* back to earth. 

Worst: The feeling when the only girl I ever trusted never stood by my side, knowing a douche-bag who turned out to be the biggest loser on the face of the earth(Just being modest since its a blog!) and being surrounded by BMW's (bitches, mourners and whiners) for two years. 

Best : My TRUE friends, loved ones & a place called HOME! These are the things worth living and fighting for. 

That's a little bit of everything which makes my life PER-FECT!